3×3 Design Challenge

Sketch Design Repeat hosts an annual challenge, 3 prompts, 3 weeks in a row. I entered last year, it was my first design challenge as I’d only just started pursuing surface pattern design that month. Suffice to say I submitted my designs, but didn’t hear much after that. This year, I’m already seeing a lot more engagement on my posts – and certainly I’ve learned a lot this year. My drawing has improved greatly, I am getting a handle on what resonates with people, and I am getting a handle on how to maximize my efforts through social media.

The results come out on April 11 – and there’s some very stiff competition. I don’t expect to take any top prizes but I am very happy already with the progess I’ve made in a year. And that’s it’s own kind of win!

My three entries:

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Winter Poppies placed #41 out of 1934 entries in the Statement Wallpaper challenge.

41st Place for Winter Poppies!

Kalahari Safari placed #61 out of 1449 in design challenge.

#61 for Kalahari Safari!

24th place for Fishing on Moonrise Lake in the Cabincore Wallpaper design challenge!

24th Place for Fishing at Moonrise Lake!

30th Place for Old West General Store in Spoonflower's Western Americana design challenge - thank you!

30th Place for Old West General Store!