Pantone Green Poppies!

Well alright alright alright – this is more my kind of challenge. Pantone offered a “Mega Matter” palette for us to use, which consisted of a bright green, medium blue, muted olive, and dark gray, and harmony palettes which were pastel versions of the same. No other colors are allowed, not even black and white. Outside of that, we can do whatever we want.

So – I went for poppies. I’ve really been enjoying drawing highly detailed motifs with a pencil and then applying color. I’d done some pencil drawings of poppies before and knew that the folded paper feel of the petals would lend themselves well to this technique I’ve been developing. So – I give you “Mega Maxi Poppies in Green”, my entry into this week’s Spoonflower challenge.

Voting runs through noon on Tues!

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