Sweet Dreams Allium

This week’s Spoonflower challenge is “Sweet Dreams Bedding”. I decided to try something new and revive an old work.

I had done a series of paintings some years ago that combined collage, monoprinting and watercolor – I did a lot of these. Florals, fruits and veg, some landscapes, and even a few portraits of pets and people. These works capitalize on the happy accidents as the monoprinting especially tends to add unexpected marks all over the place as part of the process. Love that wild card.

One of my favorites from all these was a simple painting I’d done of spring allium blooms. Big, puffy, fluffy – perfect for a bedding pattern. So I imported a scan of the original into Photoshop and created a repeat of this painting. Then I imported the repeat into Procreate and added more marks. The original painting was only 5″ x 5″ so for it to hold up on something as big as a duvet cover, I felt it needed more interest. The end result is below – I’m kind of loving it 😀

Voting is open to the public and starts on Thursday May 18 at 9am!

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